Green Jobs Mean Green Money And A Green Earth

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Submitted by: Rose Eric
The new buzzword in the economy is green jobs. The Obama administration envisions green collar jobs to boost the lagging economy. The industrial leaders of the renewable energy sector promote green collar jobs as the way towards increasing public awareness of the need for environmental protection while increasing the prospects for their bottom line. The environmentalists want green collar jobs to be more pervasive for the sake of Mother Earth.
Green Money
The better news for the Joes and Janes on the street is that green collar jobs mean green dollars on their pockets. Pundits estimate that as many as 185,000 jobs can be generated by the end of 2010 and that figure is for the wind sector alone!
In the solar energy sector, the numbers are more impressive with 7 million jobs created by the year 2030. Of course, it may seem way off into the future but that future starts its roll today. Thus, professionals and skilled workers are advised to hone their skills for green jobs as early as possible.
Efforts along this line will be well rewarded. Many online pay scale sites have discovered in surveys that solar and wind energy workers earn more than their counterparts with similar skills in other industries. Even entry level green energy jobs like solar power installer and wind turbine fabricator can earn at least $36,100 per year, depending on the skills, expertise and experience of the individual as well as the location of the projects.
Another good thing about green jobs aside from the better pay is the upward mobility possible. Workers can move up the ranks with experience, seniority and advanced training depending on company policy.
Of course, higher education in colleges as well as professional licenses matter with green energy jobs but not as much as one expected them to since even high school graduates can enter the workforce. More often than not, one should have transferable skills that can be repurposed as well as the right training for the solar and wind energy sectors.
Green Earth
Green collar jobs also benefit the Earth as well as the pockets of its human inhabitants. Keep in mind that the definition of green collar jobs almost always center on the positive impact, either direct or indirect, of the activities involved on the Earth itself.
Thus, you will read of definitions whereby green collar jobs should generate and use renewable energy, conserve natural resources, minimize waste and use of hazardous materials, promote biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem and lessen greenhouse gas emissions, to name a few goals. Indeed, green jobs are green precisely because these make for a greener Earth in more ways than one.
However, it cannot be overemphasized that gaining employable access to the green sector is not as easy as it seems. Of course, one can always directly apply to companies dealing in renewable energy particularly solar and wind power, which are the largest and fastest-growing niches in the industry, but it is always better to have previous training.
Thus, we strongly suggest going back to school for training in either niches. You will only spend a few months or years earning your certification and/or associate’s degree but the rewards will be for the long-term. This way, green jobs are yours for the taking, thanks to your educational advantage.
About the Author: For additional information on Green Jobs please visit
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